Livingston Council On Aging
Enhancing Lives, Community Stewardship
Our Services
Hot meals are served at 4 meal sites in Livingston Parish on Monday through Friday of each week. This is a nutritionally balanced meal served in a group setting. In addition, the meal sites provide recreation, information, and social opportunities through planned activities. Please call to order your meal before noon the day before, if you plan to join us. It is a suggested donation of $1 per meal, as we are a non-profit organization.
The Home Delivered Meals Program helps seniors who are homebound and physically unable to prepare their own meals or attend a local senior center. Two sets of seven (14) nutritionally balanced frozen meals are delivered to eligible recipients every two weeks. Clients must be temporarily or chronically homebound. It is a suggested donation of $1 per meal, as we are a non-profit organization.
Money is available for those 60 years and older, who have financial need. Please call or go to your local meal site to apply. This is a very short, simple process and is on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis.
Please bring the following information with you to our office:
- Proof of income from everyone in the home
- Monthly bills (current bill for each monthly service - in your name only) dated within the last 30 days​
The Council on Aging loans medical equipment (which has been donated from people throughout the parish) for short term use. We also provide some incontinence supplies.
Provides personal assistance, stand-by assistance, supervision or cues for persons with the inability to perform with one or more of the following activities of daily living: eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, transferring in and out of bed/chair or walking. This service is provided by a Personal Care Attendant licensed by the Dept. of Health and Hospitals.
Provides assistance to a family member caring for an older or handicapped person primarily in the form of In-Home Respite. A licensed attendant cares for the person in order to provide a period of rest for the family caregiver. Other caregiver support may be provided through Material Aid, Public Education and Information and Assistance, however, no payments can be made directly to the caregiver.
Provides limited assistance on home repairs to your own home. This service is in place to help with purchasing the supplies needed to repair the home or fix appliances in the home and is only available once a year. Please call or go to your local meal site to apply.
Please bring the following information with you to our office:
- Proof of income from everyone in the home
- Monthly bills (current bill for each monthly service - in your name only) dated within the last 30 days.
Provides 1.5 hours of housecleaning, every other month. This service is provided by Ms. Clean. Please call or go to your local meal site to apply.
- Proof of income from everyone in the home
- Monthly bills (current bill for each monthly service - in your name only) dated within the last 30 days.
Senior Assistance Plan
- 60+ years or older
- $24,000 a year or less in income
- Receives a 20% discount
- Proof of income required
Call 225-615-1000 or 866-342-5269
We also have LEGAL AID available through Southeastern Legal Services. Please contact our office if you have any questions about these free services.
Louisiana Transit Network
Local - 225-664-0346
Demand response non-emergency transportation. Our fleet includes handicapped accessible vehicles. Curb to curb service is provided, on a first come first serve basis. If the participant needs assistance stepping on or off the van, the driver may assist in this capacity, if requested to do so.
Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Fridays 7:00 am - 2:00 pm
Closed weekends and holidays. Transportation will not be available on these days.
Trips must be scheduled a minimum of two business days in advance. All other trips will be scheduled on based on available space.
IMPORTANT: When your trip is scheduled, the dispatcher will tell you what time to be ready for pick up and passengers MUST be ready to go, as drivers have no time to wait for you to "get ready." Our standard wait time is three (3) minutes.
You MUST call before 7:00am on the day of the trip (or earlier). After two "no shows" or "no call in to cancel" you will be required to call the dispatcher the morning of pick up for confirmation or you will not be picked up.
Drivers are not allowed to 'lift' passengers. If special assistance is needed, passengers must provide an escort. Only one escort per passenger, unless special conditions warrant more. Escorts ride free under ADA regulations.
For any citizen over the age of 60 there is no fee, although we do ask for a suggested donation of $1.00.
Under age 60
- One way $ 5 (in parish)
- Round trip $ 10 (in parish)
- One way $ 8 (out of parish)
- Round trip $ 16 (out of parish)
Passenger Conduct & Responsibilities
- Passengers are expected to be courteous and considerate of others
- Drivers are "Captain of the Ship," responsible for the safe transportation of all passengers. All instructions from the driver MUST be followed.
- Passengers MUST wear seat belts anytime the vehicle is moving
- No seat belt, no service, no exceptions
- No eating or drinking on vehicles unless medically necessary
- No use of tobacco products including chewing snuff or cigarettes
- No drinking or open containers of alcohol on vehicles
- No foul language or bothering other passengers
- No carrying weapons or possessing illegal drugs
- No horseplay or fighting on vehicles
- Good personal hygiene
- We reserve the right to refuse transportation to passengers unable to control bodily functions
- Passengers must comply with fare policy
- Passengers must be able to secure carry-on items and personal belongings while riding so as not to cause injury to any passengers
- Livingston Public Transportation reserves the right to refuse services based on violation of any of these rules
- A disruptive passenger is anyone who causes problems, disorder or turmoil on a vehicle. Disruptive passengers will be removed from the vehicle to a safe place and will not continue transportation to their destination.